2016 Partner Awards

We are pleased to announce 2016’s Partner Awards. All of branches from New York to Florida to Arizona contributed to a phenomenal year of success and growth at Space Walk. Home Office would like to thank ALL of you for being apart of our inflatable family.

Congratulations to all our winners, you’ll receive a shipment with your trophy in the coming days!

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3rd Quarter Bonus

2015 has been a year of success and growth for Space Walkers across the country. This quarter’s bonus reports highlights that with 18 branches qualifying for 3rd quarter bonus.

There are both large and small branches represented on this list, proving no matter what size branch you run bonus is never out of reach. Working with your success coach on an inventory that has both a diverse selection and high rental frequency on all items is the key to a high ROI, the metric used to determine bonus.


Here are the branches that earned 3rd quarter bonus:

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